Pricing decisions should be selected form any freight

With so many vehicles to transport goods, the customer can choose freight a reasonable and convenient transportation sector will help with that development, the rail transport sector and air transportation are the boom, the railways also help customers with choice

According to the information that needs air transport has increased by about 5% in 2013, according to International Air Transport Association (IATA).

The air transport has increased slightly so much appreciated and causes, but the association of international air transport is, the investment company of the aircraft is capable of transporting large importance in helping to the price shipped via air mitigated, however, a slight increase in road transport, the reduction is not significant, because the price of gasoline increased so did the pressure to increase freight rates goods are also part of the cause for many customers choose shipping air freight, according to the statistics of rail transport associations, then the client as well as many choices rail transport is developing quite well, along with the work of lobbyists ship lines, as well as the technology is put to use for rail transport, has made time to shorten the cargo, taking a good example for the shipping time is shorter it is shipped from North Vietnam to south Vietnam was once lost 48 hour time period was reduced to 36 hours, as well as part time help fast shipping no less air has customers turning to the air transport and rail transport.


Along with the petrol price hike has affected a lot to road transport, yet the charge as road maintenance, along with the planting charges made in road transport costs increase quite a lot of time Recently, opposite the railway transport enterprises are state-owned enterprises should issue price increases should have a roadmap that is the problem for rail transport prices fell more than road transport, parallel to the air transport it is also investing in the plane transporting large quantities makes shipping more, along with businesses that compete quite fiercely on air transportation as well as for much reduced price.

In general, users are benefited competition from other forms of transportation, be smart users to make smart choices.